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Cold Calling 101


Module 1: Why cold Calling

(Why cold calling is the best way to make good money in today's market. How you can start doing this yourself, but quickly scale with a team. How cold calling can help you reach your goals faster. Why talking to people (on the phone) is the best way to do a deal.)

Module 2: Mindset Mastery

(Why 80% of this business is mindset. How to CRUSH your beliefs, and actually get excited about cold calling! Setting proper expectations to get the most out of this system. What exactly your numbers should look like, and how to get to them.)

Module 3: Identifying a Cold Calling Market

(Doing the right research to find the best markets for cold calling. Why networking is the best way to find a market, and where to look. What questions to ask to get the right buyers in the right market.)

Module 4 & 5: Building Your List Part 1 & 2

(The best places to find a list, and the best types of lists to search for. The exact criteria to use to narrow down your list. The most effective ways to get phone numbers for your list.)

Module 6: Systems & Tools

(How to set your CRM up for success, and the best ones we recommend. The best tool to use to set up your virtual (& local) phone number. Which dialers you can use to take advantage of this system. How to set this all up so the system & tools work for you.)

Module 7: Making The Calls

(How to get started by doing this yourself. The exact process to follow so you can outsource 100% of this. The exact scripts to use, and how to use them for success. The best times to call and make sure you get ahold of your entire list.)

Module 8: Management & Responsibilities

(Managing your list to keep it fresh and responsive. How to efficiently communicate with your cold calling team. Making sure you know what happens after the cold call. Keeping track of your numbers, and how to interpret them.)

BONUS Module: Mojo Dialer Setup

(Why Mojo is our dialer of choice. The simple process to get it set up, fast & correct, the first time. How to upload your list and start making dials. Tips to getting the most out of the software.)

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